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The grand opening ceremony and New Year's party for the 2023-2024 academic year international students at Shenyang Medical College were held

来源:School of International Educat 时间:2023-12-29 作者:School of International Education 点击:

The prelude of life begins today; Embrace the world and pursue dreams at Shenyang Medical College! On the afternoon of December 26th, the opening ceremony and New Year's celebration for international students of the 2023-2024 academic year at Shenyang Medical College were grandly held in the academic lecture hall of the library. Professor Li Rongmei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of the university, attended the opening ceremony. Members of the team of the Institute of International Education, all faculty and staff, and over 400 international students from more than 20 countries and regions around the world gathered together to welcome another batch of international students to embark on their journey of pursuing dreams at Shenyang Medical College. The opening ceremony was presided over by Zhao Yudan, the secretary of the general Party branch of the School of International Education.

Before the official start of the opening ceremony, Sun Hongyan, the vice dean of the school, gave all international students an orientation on the relevant management systems such as the study system and the living system, reminding students to abide by Chinese laws, regulations, and school rules and disciplines during their studies, be eager to learn, be kind and progressive, and successfully complete their studies and life as international students.

At 2 p.m., the song "We love in our hearts,... We are erudite, pure in conduct and love the people. We are virtuous and save the world to be pillars" resounded through the academic lecture hall. Accompanied by the beautiful school song, the opening ceremony of the 2023-2024 academic year for international students at Shenyang Medical College officially kicked off. After the English short film introducing the school was played, Zhang Yan, the vice dean of the school, delivered a speech titled "Tell the Story of Shenyang Medical College to the World".

To exert the power of role models and encourage international students to study hard and forge ahead, an excellent international student recognition ceremony was held subsequently. Vice President Li Rongmei presented honorary certificates to the representatives of international students who received the scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Zhou Lan from Nigeria spoke as a representative of the freshmen. Yingxiong, an outstanding international student representative of our school, a graduate of the 2018 class, and a doctoral student in cardiology at China Medical University, returned to his alma mater and encouraged his younger schoolmates to forge ahead bravely and ride the wind and waves. Vice President Li Rongmei presented Yingxiong with an exclusive souvenir of the alma mater.

To guide students to establish a sense of identity and responsibility for the medical career, all international students took the oath of medical students under the leadership of Kumar from the 2018 grade. "Health entrusted, lives committed...", the resounding oath of medical students reverberated in the academic lecture hall for a long time. The international students were dressed in white, with solemn expressions, and their right hands on their left chests, comprehending the responsibilities and missions they shoulder with their hearts.

Finally, Professor Li Rongmei, the vice president, delivered a speech. Vice President Li extended a warm welcome to the international students from 10 countries and regions along the "Belt and Road Initiative", briefly introduced the current development status of the school and the achievements in international student education, and put forward "three hopes" to the international students as a teacher and elder. First, it is hoped that international students will take on responsibilities, inspire themselves with "A hardworking youth will have a lifelong career. Don't be lazy and waste time", and strive to become scholars who are diligent in learning, good at thinking and rigorous in pursuing knowledge. Second, it is hoped that international students will bravely undertake important tasks, inspire themselves with "Medical skills are the foundation of a doctor, and medical ethics are the soul of a great doctor", and strive to become doctors with a broad mind, benevolence and excellent medical skills. Third, it is hoped that international students will be competent for important tasks, inspire themselves with "Civilizations are colorful because of exchanges and rich because of mutual learning", and strive to become messengers promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations.

After the solemn and warm opening ceremony, the "Hello, 2024" New Year's celebration of the Institute of International Education officially began. International students brought performance programs with national characteristics respectively. The passionate African dance "Light of the Equator", the Pakistani song playing "Urdu Mashup Song", the lively and vivid Indian dance and other programs kept the atmosphere at the scene continuously high; The Chinese song "Friends" sung by international students, the song "On the East Mountain Top" sung by Tibetan students from the School of Public Health, and the dance "POP" performed by the School of Medical Care and Health Industry upon invitation made the audience scream; The song "Ballet of Spring" sung by teachers of the Institute of International Education and the song "Rolling In The Deep" performed together with international students won continuous applause from the students; The "Costume Show (Ethnic Costume Show)" performed by student representatives from more than 20 different countries and Chinese teachers brought the atmosphere of the evening party to a climax.

To promote excellent traditional Chinese culture, the evening party specially invited Wu Jingfeng, the calligraphy instructor of the second classroom for international students of our school and a calligrapher from the Huanggu District Calligraphers Association, to the scene. In the beautiful music of "High Mountains and Flowing Water", he and the international students of the calligraphy class jointly wielded the brush and ink to write the character "Fu" (meaning good fortune) and Spring Festival couplets, integrating the best wishes for the New Year and Shenyang Medical College into each stroke. At the same time, it also showed the unique charm of Chinese calligraphy to international students, allowing them to feel the profoundness of Chinese culture.

During the performance of the evening party, there were also rich game and lottery sessions interspersed. International students actively participated, and the scene was filled with a lively and cheerful atmosphere. 

Finally, in the song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" sung by all the teachers of the Institute of International Education, the opening ceremony and New Year's celebration for international students of the 2023-2024 academic year at Shenyang Medical College came to a successful conclusion. The international students were reluctant to leave for a long time and took group photos with teachers and classmates in front of the big screen. They highly praised the opening ceremony and celebration carefully prepared by the school for them and expressed that they would live up to the expectations of the school and teachers, study hard, live attentively, strive to grow into health guardians with excellent medical skills and noble medical ethics, tell Chinese stories well, convey the voice of China, and contribute the wisdom and strength of Shenyang Medical College international students to promoting the stable and long-term construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!