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Life at SYMC

来源: 时间:2024-02-29 作者: 点击:

Sports meeting

Experience China-Traditional cultural experience activities

Muslim students having their traditional cuisine in the cafeteria

Foreign Students Experience Activities in China

Communication with Chinese students

Communication with Chinese students

Large recess activities

Large recess activities

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Liaoning Province Foreign Students New Year Party

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Sports meeting

Football Championship Award Ceremony

2015 Batch Students Opening Ceremony, New Year Party

Sports meeting

Shanhaiguan Chinese Cultural Experience Tour

Chinese Cultural Experience

2013-2014 Academic Commendation Meeting and New Year Party of International Education Department

2013-2014 Academic Commendation Meeting and New Year Party of International Education Department

2013-2014 Academic Commendation Meeting and New Year Party of International Education Department

2013-2014 Academic Commendation Meeting and New Year Party of International Education Department

American students' experience of Chinese culture

American students' experience of Chinese culture

American students' experience of Chinese culture

Foreign Students Experience Activities in China

China Exploration-Foreign Students in China Sunshine Sports Culture

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